The calculator widget that comes with the OS!
This is a great tip submitted by Elizabeth Tremblay: The calculator widget that comes with the OS! Sometimes, it is such the simplest tips that are the most useful. I really wondered when I saw this tip why I never actually figured it out before this. When you are using the calculator widget that comes with the OS, it is so much faster to use the numeric keypad (even for the +, -, * or / symbols) than to use the mouse. What really bothered me is that I always had to go back to the mouse to clear it and start again. Well it turns out that no, instead of pressing the "c" button on the calculator with the mouse, you can simply hit "c" on the keyboard. It will clear up what is currently in there and you are ready to start calculating again! Thanks for the great tip Elizabeth!
I took it from dashboard after downloading Calq. Calq is so beautiful :D
You can also hit the "clear" button above the 7 on the right hand numeric pad.
I've read a lot of very useful tips and tricks on your weblog, but this one is just too ovious :) Actually, it never came to my mind to even use the mouse (!) to use the calculator ;)
The "esc"-Key will also do the trick to clear what has been input
wow... this is the best tip they could find for today?
Yea, I was about to post for Calq, which is amazing!
Shameless plug.
I'm sure this is also obvious to some people, but you can also copy & paste to and from the calculator using the regular keyboard shortcuts. Comes in handy often.
is there a way to have Calq open automaticaly when I turn on the computer? If so, how? Can someone help me out with this so i don't have to find it and then open it up to use it?
Rich -- Go to System Prefs > Accounts > (Your Account) > Login Items. Just press the plus sign, navigate to Calq and press the throbbing blue "add" button. (This is for Tiger 10.4.x. Your system may vary, but the essentials are the same.)
I agree with earl, clear on the numeric keyboard is easier than "c"
PEMDAS is the bestest calculator i found for the dashboard... took a while to find it due to the random name, but definitely worth checking out if you do more complex calculations and like to see a history (it's compact enough too) :)
I agree that for scientific calculation, PEMDAS is great.
michael, thank you so much, all is good
Rich & Michael...
A quicker way to have Calq startup when you boot your Mac is:
First, open Calq manually, then right-click on the icon in the dock and select 'open at login'.
Then reboot, if you like. This is much easier than going through all the System prefs stuff, unless you have a god of things you want to add.
Thanks, Lance ... but Calq, like most "background" apps, doesn't have a dock icon. Using the Accounts control panel works for any app, not just the ones that interact with the Dock.
PEMDAS is not such a random name.
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